I got hurt at work on Monday. The Office Manager wanted me to move some files around in the filing cabinet. One of which was higher than my head so I had to reach in at an awkward angle and pull the files out (some of which were 2-3 inches thick) and I hurt my back/side from shoulder blade to upper-lower back on the right side. So...I stopped doing that and decided to work on the stuff on the lower drawer. Well, I couldn't be hunched over for prolonged periods of time so I got down on my knees. Upon standing up, I popped the right kneecap out of joint and have been having intermittant pain ever since.
Sooooo, I am going to call off work tomorrow and to go Immediate Care. Sucks really, because I had planned on taking a half day on Thursday to go to a job interview, but with all the taking time off and needing to see a doctor that is likely not going to happen. I would probably still go except I can't get comfortable and having to turn my entire upper body to check lights aggravates my back (1-1.25 hour commute one way) and the fact I'm 4'7" and have to stretch to reach the pedals in my car is aggravating my knee...I'm not going anywhere long-distance.
I can barely haul my fat-ass up/down the stairs without this niggling weird pain in my knee along with an odd grinding feeling, snap crackle and pop in my back, and the way my knee does this weird hyper-bendy semi-locking crap. About the only way I am comfortable is if I am laying down, but the weird thing is it's not 24/7...it's just sorta whenever they wanna be bitchy...I had about 2 hours today when everything was just fine. The rest of the time I acted like my limp was really me pimpin' or something....
Ok, this is the ONLY time I claim being black.
Maybe I'll be lucky and be considered disabled and I can just collect workman's comp, disability, and go to school...I'd make out better financially doing that than working an honest living. But..GAWD being short sucks...Simple things you take for granted wind up becoming huge annoying obstacles like..FILING..which I hate anyway. Who the hell gets hurt filing..Well..ME that's who...this is the second or third time, only one requiring medical attention.
Did I ever mention I hate my job? This is just sort of like the straw that broke the camel's back though. I wanted to quit BEFORE I hurt myself...I just wanna burn the building down now *sigh*.
This bitchfest brought to you by Gimps Gone Wild.
Maybe I will be on that page soon for extra income. Hmmmm, I REALLY need to stop linking to that site. Goddamnit, my back hurts so bad I can't sleep.