
I hate you; I love you

At the behest of a very good friend I have attempted to initiate a blog full of the ramblings and rants I vent on said good friend. I think he is merely attempting to make an ass of me, but...since this is anonymous and most importantly FREE, what the fuck do I care? Well all, this is a temporary location until I get my slacker ass employed and can get my 'puter fixed. In which case I can put up nifty pictures and change the layout to something suitable of a girl with my abilities. I will get back to you with information regarding my "personal" crap. In the meantime, I just realized today is Friday - hey, every day is Friday to the unemployed - so, I better go sit alone in my room and get drunk.* *I would like to recommend the alcohol selection at Trader Joe's to the aspiring alcoholic. That $3 wine ain't bad!