
New Favorite Show

I am a tad drunk right now, but bare with me. I was watching a show on VH1 called Surviving Nugent. It was friggin hysterical. Premise: They took 8 people and put 'em with Ted Nugent. Whoever survives the experience wins $100k. Ok, you know things are bad when the host almost hacks his leg off with a chainsaw on the first day you are together. Things only went downhill from there:
  1. The contestants had to pick up animal shit with their bare hands and anything they could carry it with to haul it into the containers.
  2. Next there was the "shit toss" where they got into groups of two. One person was the tosser, the lucky catcher wore a helmet with a bucket on top, squatted behind a bale of hay and prayed they could catch the most shit on thir heads so that they cold get a hot meal.*
  3. (Best Part) They played "chicken". The contestants had to run towards a truck going about 35-40mph, past posts marked with monetary amounts. The further they got the more money they made. But, it never got past the first guy. He got hit with the truck and had to go to the emergency room. Apparently, he's ok, in case you care. Favorite Quote "I really feel terrible that...uhh...what's his name got hurt." Ted Nugent
  4. The first "elimination event" was a russian roulette of sorts. He had 8 mystery drinks on a lazy susan. One of them contained syrup of epicac. The person who vomited went home. Let me say, I have never witnessed a more beautiful spewing in my life. That muslim girl had grace and great control.
  5. The losers of some event where they were acting as horses dragging some cart had to extract deer urine from a freshly killed (pre-gutted) carcass. The animal rights activist/vegan** chick sorta freaked out and refused to do anything with the animal...She opted to dig a hole far away from the grand event.
*The male winner of this event was the guy that got hit by the truck. Talk about a waste of good food! **WTF is an animal rights activist/vegan doing with Ted Nugent? Is she completely oblivious to what Ted Nugent stands for? Cause it sure as shit isn't about saving animals and fighting for their rights, unless it's their right to appear on his table at supper. Dumbass bitch.


Anathematized1 said...

Oh, I can completely understand his sadistic streak. My question is what made her sign up for the money in the first place. Wouldn't his views be a direct opposite to her own? Did she think she was going to change him; or is she some kind of whore who is willing to sell out on her own beliefs/morals for $100,000? Either way she's a dumbass bitch.

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