
Well, hello there!

Welcome to the updated blog. New, Improved and Noncommentable! I have to figure out how the hell to get this fixed. BTW, don't see M. Night Shamalamadingdong's The Village . It was predictable, and quite boring.


littlejoe said...

I found it quite predictable also. Although, I found it enjoyable none-the-less. I really kind of saw all of it coming in the previews.

Contagion said...

Ktreva and I actually had a little time before the wedding yesterday so we decided to go see a movie, the only one that fit into the time frame was "The Village" I thought it was okay. I don't regret seeing it. However I did not see the ending twist coming. If you guys did you either thought were trying way to hard or saw something I missed.

Contagion said...

Ktreva and I actually had a little time before the wedding yesterday so we decided to go see a movie, the only one that fit into the time frame was "The Village" I thought it was okay. I don't regret seeing it. However I did not see the ending twist coming. If you guys did you either thought were trying way to hard or saw something I missed.

Anathematized1 said...

Don't read this if you haven't seen the movie.

I was telling Grau that I had a sneaking suspicion there was something weird going on because they kept mentioning "the towns" and "the medicines". There seemed to be a helluva lot of people that made it to this town in one piece. So what, it's an entrance only valley?? They couldn't get a courier or a send someone out for these medications the doctor guy apparently already knew existed and would help people from dying from the common cold?

I got particularly suspicious when that lady was stating "YOU made a vow" or whatever it was she said to him. Ok, so the Elders said they wouldn't leave the valley, and this whole "monsters in the woods" thing was fake. Ummmm, why would you need to make a vow not to go into the woods? Doesn't make a lot of sense now does it?

Oh...Yeah..Forgot something..You know the whole forbidden color bit? Everyone freaked out when they saw red up until the chick was smeared in her lover's blood. Notice how she wore that shirt for an AWEFULLY damned long time. No one was scrabbling to get her to cover it up.

It sort of fell apart for me when he showed his daughter the suit in the shed and told her there were no creatures in the woods. Also, I don't CARE how strong and how much of a leader that girl was, who the fuck sends a blind girl off into the woods to find a hidden road. Oh, and don't forget he said that she had to leave her two pussy escorts and continue on alone once she found this hidden road. Which led me to "there is something weird going on with these 'towns' with 'medicines' that they don't want anyone else to see. Oh..look..there's a huge wall that the BLIND girl has to climb over...yeaaaah...I can't figure out what's gonna happen now." *smirk*

Besides, it was M. Night Shamalamawhatever's movie. You KNEW there had to be a "catch".

Ok, ok, I have to admit, I didn't think it would be MODERN day, I figure it would be in like the 70's or something.

Contagion said...

I wasn't going to post about the ending. Didn't want to spoil it for those that hadn't seen it yet. But that was the part I was talking about. Yes, I was suspicious of everything you mentioned. And figured on a lot of that what was going on, but I didn't figure on the modern day issue until they pulled out the newspaper from the blue box and it had the word Billinair on the headlines. As soon as I saw that, I leaned over to Ktreva and whispered. It's modern time, Billionair wasn't a term used in the late 1800's, and it's not common until the last 20 years or so.

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »