
Rendevous and Stuff

This weekend was great. Had fun and all that, except for people in our group crapping out by 10:00 - 10:30 on Saturday...I swear, everyone was sick or sleepy by then. While at the event this weekend I was most kindly reminded of the fact that the packets for Trail of History had to be in by 10/01. Well, being the procrastinator that I am, I obviously have not sent mine in yet and was scrambling around the house looking for it. At 11:00pm I go and check over by my old computer - a place I only go to to dig through my pile of old mail maybe once a week - and I saw a note by my monitor. I figured it was just a scrap someone had left there, but no, apparently, I got called back for a second interview at the place I went to last week (programming in SQL and...visual basic I believe). Anyway, I went to confirm that this was indeed for me, because I couldn't remember if the name on the sheet was similar to one of the two places I had been last week. It was. Ok, here are my main questions:
  1. If someone gets a call about a job interview call-back and you took the message, would you put it in some obscure place that they never go to if you REALLY WANT THEM OUT OF YOUR F'ING HOUSE???? and
  2. Are you allowed to yell at people who do dumbass things like that?
I should be happy I got a callback..though I am not quite sure how they got my home number since I could have sworn I put my cell phone as my contact number on my resumes. I have heard a lot about my grandmother being rude about answering the phone as well as either not receiving messages or receiving messages that are so screwed up I can't figure out who/what to call back on a much too regular basis. Ex: John Smith at 123-456-7890 called, but I get "James West at 132-456-7899"; OR they don't get either the name of the company or the phone number at ALL. It's all good. Soon...SOOOON, I shall have a decent paying job and can get the hell out of dodge and find something else to bitch about. Anywho, I will post another installment of the story either tomorrow or Tuesday unless something horrible happens (ohhh alliteration).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of us crap out so early because we have a baby up at 6-6:30 am who is ready to eat NOW, and so a fire has to be made to cook on, all while trying to keep him quiet so he doesn't wake everyone else up that early! Besides, my funky illness is leaving (FINALLY)!
