
New Job

Well, I am not doing happy dances about the new job I start on Monday for various reasons. The first being the fact it is a temp-to-perm job, and I do not seem to have the best of luck with such positions. I will only get happy if I LIKE the job and they actually hire me on full-time. Another issue is that they do not offer dental benefits. The third is that the pay is about $10k less a year than about 3 other jobs I interviewed for. I took it because things have been on a "first come, first served" basis, and they were the first ones with a definate answer after my interview. The GOOD things about the position is that it is in the exact area I want to be. Approximately, 20 minutes (30 with bad traffic) from the college I had been wanting to attend. So the monetary issue is somewhat offset by the fact I will basically be getting an extra $700/month over my salary for just going to school. Another positive is that it is with a financial planning company and they are definately into training and consider the position to be a stepping stone. I always enjoyed finance classes (especially when able to use software for some of the amortization/depreciation stuff which perpetually confused me). The entire idea of stock portfolios, financial planning, 401k's etc has been an interest of mine for a bit which I hope MANY other people in my age bracket also entertain. Being able to manage your money to save up for your future is not a luxury (unless you're unemployed or underemployed) it is a NECESSITY. Being able to understand the processes, procedures, and inner-workings would definately be an asset for me even if I chose not to make this my ultimate career path. So, it's basically a short-term position 2-5 years in which I can gain knowledge. If I decide that it interests me enough to get licensing and take further coursework I have plenty of time to do it while accruing experience. In the meantime, I will have 2 years of the fashion design program under my belt and can likely specialize in making clothes for the handicapped - a worthwhile endeavor, no? (Maybe I can even create sexy outfits for the women of Gimps Gone Wild or something. Then I can provide a valuable service and be a productive member of society. Maybe I could even consider it a not-for-profit organization. Don't not-for-profits get great tax breaks?


Contagion said...

You really need to stop linking to Gimps Gone Wild. I keep not being able to go to that site out of curiosity. Then I start getting twitchy. No good comes from that.

Anathematized1 said...

Yes, I do it for the morbid curiosity of it all. So disturbing yet...tantalizing, and ever so easy to click on that little link and appease that curiosity over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.

Bou said...

I'm becoming more and more careful on what link I open that's on your blog. Carpet man, gimps gone wild... I just never know what in the hell I'm going to get. :)

Anonymous said...

I think you can buy dental insurance on it's own for not a whole hell of a lot if you wanted to go that route.

And BTW, definately use the 401K if they offer you one - 401K's rock - it's like free money.

Are you going to be going to school full time *and* working full time?

Wow, that's gonna suck.


Anathematized1 said...

Bou - Well, I tend to link to things that can only be described as "wrong".

-S - I was planning on going that route, but most of them have weird waiting periods. Basically have to pay for 6 months to a year before you can get anything besides a cleaning. And yes, I do plan on going full-time while working. How hard can sewing classes be? All of the "real" classes that are required I already have.

Only problem: I hate cutting out patterns, I hate reading directions, I hate sewing, and I HATE all the crap that is required after you are done sewing the main garment..All the hemming and pressing, and zippery crap.

I'm hoping Nessa will help me with my homework LOL.

Bou said...

Do they have a major dental school near you? You can get enrolled in their hygiene program and get your teeth cleaned for nearly free. Also, you can get your teeth taken care of by dental students. They have instructors there, so it's not like they're going to let them experiment on you. Just a thought. I have a lot of friends who do that.

Anonymous said...

I hate cutting out patterns, I hate reading directions, I hate sewing, and I HATE all the crap that is required after you are done sewing the main garment..All the hemming and pressing, and zippery crapHmmmm.... I'm thinking you may want to reconsider those thoughts about getting into fashion design :P


Anathematized1 said...

Bou - I actually have information for two dental colleges in the Chicago area, it's just a pain DRIVING all that way. Depending on what they do I have no transportation home if I don't feel well enough to make the 1.5-2+ hour drive.

-S - I'm only getting into it so I can make clothing for myself. I don't plan on seriously doing anything for anyone else. Was never a fan of sewing, I just am sick of my clothes being a foot too long and looking extra sloppy in stuff I wear. I have some rather expensive clothes that look like crap because they are ill-fitting. You don't find sharp looking clothes in the kids section at my size...God, I wish I were a size 0 again...Maybe I should try the anorexia diet...Or swallow a tapeworm....

Maybe I could try to get a job at BC/BS and get gastric bypass..Everyone else is doing it ;)

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