

I am surprised no one has bitched about how utterly distasteful my song was. Hmmm, maybe it was so offensive that I have run off my 3 readers, and am now virtually screaming into the empty ether...anyway. I figure it's kind of bad when your new job seems like more of an annoyance than anything else. It means I HAD to do laundry today, I HAD to clean the boxes and crap out of my room that had been in there for a week (after my getting kicked out of the living room). Gawd, I wish I hadn't procrastinated because I'm going to be on a huge time crunch for the next couple of weeks. Have to get everything accomplished before the semester starts, because I will basically be coming home and going to bed. With commute time, I will have 3 hours per night to get everything done that I need to get done and get adequate rest until the end of the month. I have recently found out that if I did NOT go to school, I could not afford any apartments advertised online* in the area I wanted to go to school in. So, I might wind up moving only about an HOUR away, as opposed to being over an hour and a HALF away. Well, I COULD afford the apartment...I'd just be eating ramen noodles and hot dogs. But, I'd still have my sweet, sweet ride. Anyway, I have to go. Forgot to drop something off this weekend, so I have to get up at 5:30 to be able to do that and get to work by 9am....(The place I need to drop the stuff off at is only about 15 minutes away from my house.) Maybe I should go do it right now, it's not like I'm going to get any sleep anyway. Took a sinus pill at 5:30 am cause the draining was keeping me awake. I had basically become a complete zombie and could not fall asleep without the assistance of drugs. So, now any chance I have of getting to bed at a decent hour is completely nonexistent.


Anonymous said...

Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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