

Ok, I have nothing interesting or topical to say - like I ever do. Soooo, I'll try to figure out something next week. About all I want to do right now is rant about the utter patheticness which is the job market in my town. The plan I had for pimping out a friend for crack money doesn't seem particularly feasible since they are all pretty much rather fat and oogly. Plus, they have lots of weapons to hurt me with.


littlejoe said...

You can TRY to pimp me out, but really, let's be serious. How much can you get for gigantic nerd?

Anathematized1 said...

With or without the maori/darth maul tattoos? If you are OPEN to men...I can prolly get quite a bit.

"Just close your eyes and...well..this will hurt you a LOT more than it will hurt me."

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »