
Fleeting thoughts

I am debating a few things at present cause I don't really want to go to Delaware...Not that I don't want to go per se; I just don't want to drive. So, I am thinking about going to NIU and getting a Bachelors in Art, then going for my MBA. It's free, so why not? Always had an interest in fiber arts and the MBA would be practical. Might even be able to get myself a job - something my BS in Computer Science doesn't seem to be doing. Also considering finishing up some of the novels and short stories I started mid-to-late 90's for shits and giggles. I had gotten a pretty good reception in the past, but always had this fear of success/failure. Unfortunately, most of my stuff is a bit dated now and I will wind up looking like a Robert Jordan wannabe. I suppose there's always some excuse not to bother trying. I just keep thinking the nice things people have said in the past about my writing were pity-compliments. Never think what I do is good enough. Holy shit, it's 5am and I'm still wide awake. Insomnia sucks...where'd I put that jug wine?


Anathematized1 said...

Hmmm, reminds me of the time I gave myself an enema in the bathroom of the corporate offices at Motorola. Laying on the cold tile floor cause the other intern (who had been a nurse in her previous life) said I likely had some horrible intestinal problem and needed surgery, but I should try an enema first.

I must say the gall bladder surgery I had after finding out the REAL cause of my intense pain was MUCH more bearable.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, you get the acronym "TMI" thrown at you pretty often, don't you?

Anathematized1 said...

Sure do!

Anathematized1 said...

Damn, I always thought the phrase was a compliment of sorts. The groanings of an enthralled audience begging for more.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it!

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