
Delaware Delayed

Well, it seems that my illustrious new start in beautiful Delaware will be delayed by approximately one week. Thank goodness I didn't take her up on the "just stop by whenever, even if it's 3am. We don't mind" thing she gave me the last time. Otherwise, I'd likely be sleeping in a tent in the backyard. Apparently, a mutual friend from Holland is coming out to visit next week and her son is coming up week after that. I told her if I get a job in the meantime I will likely not be going out to stay with her. I do have prospects in California, unless the Dutch guy decides he wants to fly me out to be his sex puppet. Damn, he's got a sexy voice, "manly" as one friend put it. I must admit that as much as that kind of thing goes against logic, common sense, and my moral principles...I just might do it...YUM - he's edible. It's not likely to EVER happen, but if offered the opportunity I would do it for Grau. It would likely make him happy. If the guy didn't kill me I'd have interesting tales to tell about my ventures. (Remember the guy I went to California with, and how you kept trying to get me to start a blog about these "people", term used loosely, I manage to attract?*) *COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY PLATONIC. If that man had touched me I'd be in jail on murder charges. Maybe I will tell a truncated version of my experiences with that guy some day; but, right now I'm still getting over the shock. Besides, he still owes me money and if he runs across this site, I can kiss it goodbye.

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