
When it rains it pours

Got a call this morning about a temp job. Pretty damned nice pay rate for this area, unfortunately, it's only 3 days a week. I did specifically inform the recruiter that I am searching for a full-time position and that I might not be available for the entire time period required by the company. She looked a bit hesitant at first, but then seemed to be cool with it. I think I posted last week about getting a call on Friday from a lady at the company I interviewed with earlier in the week who gave a referral to another co-worker with a higher level position open in her department. Well, I am going to that interview today at 2:00. I was just about to go get ready for the interview when the phone rang. It was regarding a position in the Chicago burbs. She would like for me to come in this week. But, seeing as to how I have no idea what my schedule is going to be like this week I had to inform her of my little predicament. I don't want to renege on my agreement for the part-time temp job before starting. Why give up on a sure thing. The money is decent and I only have to work 3 days a week which leaves me plenty of time to look for another position. We'll see...to be honest, I am currently somewhat torn between getting a quasi-decent job in my town where the rent is cheaper, and going into the Chicago burbs for a much better paying job and the ability to enter into a rather cool program only offered at one of the colleges nearby. Anyway, I suppose I should go get ready. My hair resembles one of those troll dolls, I think I'm about to shart, and I need to find trouser socks.

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