
The Horror, THE HORROR!

Well, here is a pic of me that was taken about 2-4 months ago. It's not all that great because I had just gotten out of the shower, I'm not wearing any makeup, and my hair had that crazy "freshly washed and still dripping" look. Argh, I am not particularly photogenic or attractive, so I apologize for any heavily induced vomiting, but trust me in this: I spared you by not giving the full-body shot. Though, if I just put a pic of my rather voluminous breasts up, I'm sure the guys (that are not my friends) would be happy....for hours upon end. *chortle*

Me, looking like a slightly impish, psychopathic, crackhead.


Anonymous said...

I think that is a very good picture of you. It captures your "plotting to overthrow theuniverse" look very well indeed.

Anonymous said...

I like this picture! It's becoming in that "I will kill you" kind of way :)
