
My bumpies

I was just thinking about how little time I have to make another corset and bodice for Trail (our Rendezvous at the end of this month), and it reminded me of the fact that my breasts have been the topic of conversation WAY more than I feel comfortable in the past week or two. Backstory:
Last weekend at the Belvidere rendezvous I took off my jacket because it was riding up and doing odd things, and just wore my corset and chemise (with a red velvet cloak on top). That was the turning point from being innocuous, to being the topic of concern and conversation for quite awhile. The public were walking down the pathways, men were turning their heads to look while they walked, I noticed one lady look at them - her eyes widened and she yanked her husband/boyfriend and altered course. That wasn't the worst part. The absolutely humiliating bit was the fact everyone in my group was giving me helpful pointers "Ummmm, you might need to tuck those in"....Well, I couldn't tuck them in. They were less than halfway out. APPARENTLY, what happened was that my breasts are sooooo ginormous *snicker* that the mounded globes of flesh spilling forth from the tightly bound corset resembled what most people considered as "bumpies about to show nipple...or break for freedom"....Well, MY bumpies were quite secure and weren't going much of anywhere. The only problem I had was that I couldn't bend over or bend my neck without nestling my chin in my downy soft cleavage.
Maybe I am retarded, or just don't stare at them enough...But, I never thought that they were that big. Seriously! And I have never quite been so embarrassed before. Hell, the reason I GAINED weight was so that no one would stare at me or objectify me as a wet hole with a nice rack. It got REALLY creepy when one particular guy stopped by to visit with a friend...I'm not really friends with this person, it's more a mutual congeniality because we have the same set of friends and have known them for awhile (I've known his friends for at least 10 years). Anyway, he kept LOOKING at them...I felt really dirty and creeped out. I couldn't even look at him for awhile yesterday because of that...*shudder* I pretty much ignored him unless someone else was out there with us. Well, the other day, I have no idea how the topic came into play (I don't THINK it was me that brought it up), but..my boobs were mentioned again. Whenever this occurs I try to laugh it off..and thank GOD I am black so I don't turn all kinds of shades of red from the infernal blushing I know is going on undetected. I have approximately 1 week to figure out what I am going to do...Find some way to cover them up, or go with the booby-sporting bodice look. It may seem pathetic to be so weirded out by this (large deposits of adipose tissue doesn't sound nearly as sexy as voluptuous breasts), but for the most part I keep everything covered except for my collarbones and up, and elbows to fingertips at ALL times. So, to have people commenting on my bumpies is reaaaaaaally making me horribly self-conscious. Maybe I can force myself to believe some lie about the men admiring the fabric and fine seaming of the corset, or psych myself back into my prior state of ignorance about my breast-size. Or maybe, I will wear that damned corset, and have someone take pics of me in sexy poses, and start my own website....I DO need money. Or I could just do this.

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