
Political Whore

Just returned from whoring myself out to the Libertarian Party for play money. It's pretty sad when you sell out on your political beliefs to collect a few signatures for pay. After 6 hours of work, I made about $150 cause I only managed to get 61 people to sign and got kicked off of the property of approximately 5-8 companies - I never knew I could take rejection that well. Better luck next campaign! Seriously though, I may not necessarily be a Libertarian, but I figure that Americans as a whole should have as many possible candidates for the presidential election as possible. Besides, I'm not the most patriotic person around: I am currently trying to devise a scheme that would allow me to be a mail order bride for some western european freak with plenty of money, since I can't seem to hold a job to save my life. I figure there has to be a niche market for pervs with a fat, black, surly midget fetish.


littlejoe said...

But..you're not black, or surly.

Anathematized1 said...

Grau: I was whoring myself out because I was allowing myself to be used for a cause I don't PARTICULARLY care much about, solely for monetary gain. But, seriously, I do that every time I go to work and it's not like I would have been gung-ho if it had been the Nazi party or something...ok, who am I kidding "KILL ALL THE NIGGERS AND JEWS!!!"*

And LittleJoe you know I am an arrogant lil bitch. I will give you the not being black thing. I just need to wash more after the mud baths.

*Disclaimer: I am in fact brown-skinnededded (none of that african american or black shit), and I am still considering converting to Judaism. So don't bitch at me about that comment, it's an inside joke.